At Delight Painting Service, we aim to deliver highest level of customer satisfaction and offer flawless paint coats underlining top-notch efficacy, dedication and professionalism. From small units to giant residential complexes, our team can handle any project irrespective of the nature and complexity of work and execute home painting services in Strathfield within a promised time and budget. We offer nothing but the best that your property deserves and keep you informed at every stage of work.

Our professionals work with a positive attitude and leave a lasting impression that not only redefines our work but makes us stand out in the crowd. Being well-versed in occupational health and safety standards, our accredited house painters in Stanmore take great care of your property from start to end and don’t leave your premises unless you are 100% satisfied.

Having a combined experience in painting and stain finishes, we do whatever it takes to amplify your home and leave a lasting impact worthy to admire!

- Fully insured and licensed
- All weather-proof paints
- Industry-grade painting tools and equipment
- Upfront pricing
- No hidden fees
- No extra charges on weekend bookings
- Emulsion paints for highest endurance
- Superior workmanship & detailing
- Proactive & timely completion